When I first started eating raw about 25 years ago I followed a book called: Fit for Life. I was a fanatic at that time and really followed the books tenets to a T. The hardest part was the breakfast. They called for only fruit until noon each day. Eating cold fruit every morning was hard. In the winter it was doubly hard. I used to make this concoction in my Cuisinart that was a mess of fruit blended up and then eaten with a spoon. A crazy friend who live with us for a while and who had to adhere to the same food policy called it "fruit poop"! Oh man, it did make you poop too!
I would never try to eat cold fruit in the morning in winter anymore. I just don't think it sets right with me. I used to get these crushing gut aches from it. But it was supposed to be healthy right? I read years later the wife of the guy who wrote the book divorced him and wrote her own book about healthy eating and she does not recommend the cold fruit in the AM. I think she just sick of the guy as he was really a Zealot! So many rules to live by.
I had my sprouted bread thingy this morning and zapped it for 10 second to take of the chill. I think I might have some Miso Soup tomorrow as well. I need to get some green onions, as the taste of Miso Soup just cries out for green onions. Well If I am going to get the green onions I might as well go whole hog and get the shitaki mushrooms.
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