Thursday, July 10, 2008

Radical Left :: The Great Credit Card Crash

This guy has hit the greedy nail on the head.

"Since Ronald Reagan, we have been living in an era in which neither the meltdown of the savings and loan banks in the 1980s nor the Enron-like scandals of the Bush years has stopped the relentless advancement and protection by both parties of the ability of financial institutions to make a buck at any cost to the social good and economic fabric."

Excellent article full of common sense facts about why we are in such a mess. It all comes down to Ethics. You either have them or you don't.

Radical Left :: The Great Credit Card Crash

Monday, July 7, 2008

Swimming in a Sea of Dogs

Yes that is Hawaiian music you hear and yes that is me swimming through a sea of chihuahuas. What delicate little creatures they and so brave to live in this world.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

My Hero is at it again!