I was in my yard a few weeks back. The fruit trees were all in bloom. The buds from apples, plums, apricots, and peaches were infusing the air with sweetness. And there was also a hum. I put my chair under the apricot tree and felt the powerful hum of the bees. They covered the blossoms and made their heavenly hum. It is a sound I enjoy so very much. I felt at one with these bees.
Click on the "Happy Mothers Day Queen Bee" above and you will be taken to the link of a new film called Vanishing Bees. You can watch the Trailer. Is this a crisis? Most everyone seems to think so. I would imagine the same folks who don't believe in Global Warming will also not believe in the Colony Collapse.
When I move I want to start having a few hives. I don't know how to get the bees or even how to start but I want to have some hives.
The state I live in now is one of the few with no reported Colony Collapse.
I Wish all the Bees in the world a Happy Mothers Day. They have done so much for us. They have never asked for anything in return.
The picture of the White Flower is from a trip I took to Hawaii. I love Hawaii. I love Flowers and I Love Bees!
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