I found this site today and am so excited to start using these products! The one I am most interested in are the disposable wipes. They are biodegradable and have no alcohol or Benzoikial Chloride or Triclosan. The way they form these products is with nature. The company is called CleanWell http://www.cleanwelltoday.com/
I like to keep some wipes in the car for road trips but have been very uhappy with all the chemicals in them. Some that are chemical free are not biodegradable. That means the little napkins will never be absorbed back into nature.
I have not used any products from CleanWell yet. Next time I am in Target I will look for them. They are supposed to smell great naturally as the aroma was created by a Master Natural Perfumist, Mandy Aftel. Here is a link to her place http://aftelier.com/home.html
When I get some of them and if they are indeed as great as they seem I will add them to my Good Stuff list on the left. This is going to be my list of Good Stuff that I have tried and actually use. The perfume from The Aftelier also looks mighty tempting. She uses only real scents to formulate her Perfumes. All commercial perfume is poison. Yes it really is so, stop using it Now!

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