Tuesday, March 2, 2010

From Pretty to Pooping

So I woke up this morning to find my beautiful clean dog covered in Poo. Late last night she threw up in her crate. I cleaned it up and thought she was OK.
This morning I let her out and she is poop covered. The only thing left clean was her sweet little face!
What the hell happened? Did the groomers give her some tainted treat? Was it just the stress of the grooming experience?
She threw up again this morning and is now just sleeping in her bed. She looks sick. I know she will recover, but what happened???
I cleaned all the poo out of her crate and threw the blanket away. I cleaned her too and now she is all curly again.
The house smells like, like a Pooperama! My poor sick little pup.
She is a wonderful dog and my heart is really starting to open up to her. It was hard after Mama to let my love go in so far again. But what can I do. She makes my heart cling to her, just a little bit more each day. I see her eyes and know she too has suffered. She was somehow put in the pound under circumstances we will never know. She tries to make the best of each day and in many ways she has the same self reliance that Mamasan did.
My dog GiGi was abandoned and left on her own and she is making a new life for herself. I respect her. She trusts me.
I have much to learn from this dog and I am willing to take the journey with her.

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